Need of Uniform Civil Code

 A uniform civil code is a set of secular civil laws that govern all people irrespective of their religion, caste and tribe

It promotes Real Secularism:- India have selective secularism, which means that in some areas we are secular and in other's we are not. A Uniform Civil Code means the same laws whether they are Hindus or Muslims or Christians or Sikhs. A Uniform Civil Code doesn't mean it will limit the freedom of people to follow their religion. It just means that every person will be treated the same, that is real secularism.

All Indians should be treated same:- Every religion have their own personal law, which means that while Muslim can marry four time in India, but a Hindu will be prosecuted for doing the same, this openly violate right to equality which are mentioned in the Indian constitution.
All the laws related to marriage, inheritance family, land etc. should be equal for all Indians, this is the only way to ensure that all Indian are treated same.

 It will provide more rights to the women:- According pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, our first prime minister- "You can tell condition of nation by looking at the status of women" 
This is the only source in the form of Uniform Civil Code that will impose the status of women in India.

Every modern nation has it:- A uniform civil code is the sign of modern progressive nation, it is sign that the nation has moved away from caste and religious politics. In fact it may be right to say that socially and culturally are degraded, where neither modern nor traditional. A uniform civil code will help society move forward and take India towards its goal of becoming a developed nation.

A Uniform Civil Code is of an absolute necessity for individuals belonging to different religions and denominations and it is imperative for the promotion of national unity and solidarity. Thus various religious ideologies must merge and culminate in to common and unified principles and objectives, adhering to the true spirit of secularism.

Israel, Japan, France and Russia are strong today because of their sense of oneness which India have yet to more develop and propagate. The European Nation and United States have a secular law that applies equally and uniformly to all citizen irrespective of their religion.

Enactment of women's status:- The Uniform Civil Code has been a clarion call of the women's movement from pre-independence day's women's struggle for equality is intrinsically secular and it is a cardinal principle of that struggle that barriers to achieving equality enacted in the name of religion, caste, custom etc.

The Uniform Civil Code as a means to achieve unity and integrity:- All Indian citizens are equal before the court of law, that is criminal laws and other civil laws except Personal laws are the same for all. So Uniform Civil Code is necessary to promote national integration.  

As a safeguard against Political domination:- Uniform Civil Code as a safeguard against Political domination by means of minority fundamentalism, as a means preventing encouragement to communalism in order to achieve their Political ends. 


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