

Religion plays a significant role in India, and it is characterized by diversity. Here are some statistics and facts regarding religion in India.          Hindu Population in India  According to the 2011 census, 1.21 billion people are living in the world, out of which 966 million (79.80%) identify themselves as Hindus. As of 2024, about 1.1 billion people in India practice Hinduism. In India, the majority of the population identifies as Hindu. Almost 94% of all Hindus in the world are found in India. Nepal is the only other country with a majority of Hindus. With the exception of Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Lakshadweep, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Jammu & Kashmir, and Punjab, most Hindus reside in 29 states and union territories.           Muslim population in India  India has a significant Muslim population, with 172 million individuals (14.23% of the population) identifying as Muslims according to the 2011 census. By 2024, it is estimated that the number of Muslims in India w

Sharia and Fiqh Explained

According to classical Muslims, the word of God is law and law is the command of God. This law is known as Sharia. Thus Sharia is the divine law encoded in the Quran. The divine laws had been given by God to help man overcome the physical and human challenges of a particular environment. Quran constitutes the things for understanding the commands of God for a given time-place situation as being a legal Muslim is meaningless if one is not a real Muslim at the same time. Thus the Sharia is the pure and complete guidance for human behavior. There were different human interpretations and understandings of divine ways by various schools of Islamic law. These interpretations were inevitable in the dynamic physical and human environment. Although these interpretations are not Sharia; thus Sharia is different from the interpretation of it, Fiqh, and statutes.  The literal meaning of Sharia is ‘way’, ‘path towards water source’; thus, it means the way to be followed by disciples with

Need of Uniform Civil Code

 A uniform civil code is a set of secular civil laws that govern all people irrespective of their religion, caste and tribe It promotes Real Secularism:- India have selective secularism, which means that in some areas we are secular and in other's we are not. A Uniform Civil Code means the same laws whether they are Hindus or Muslims or Christians or Sikhs. A Uniform Civil Code doesn't mean it will limit the freedom of people to follow their religion. It just means that every person will be treated the same, that is real secularism. All Indians should be treated same:- Every religion have their own personal law, which means that while Muslim can marry four time in India, but a Hindu will be prosecuted for doing the same, this openly violate right to equality which are mentioned in the Indian constitution. All the laws related to marriage, inheritance family, land etc. should be equal for all Indians, this is the only way to ensure that all Indian are treated same.  I

Supreme Court will review Ballot Papers in Chandigarh Mayoral Election, citing Horse-Trading as a Concern

  Supreme Court will review Ballot Papers in Chandigarh Mayoral Election, citing Horse-Trading as a Concern On Monday, the Supreme Court announced that it would review the ballots used in the January 30 Chandigarh mayor's race. There have been accusations that Anil Masih, the returning officer, tampered with eight votes, which were later ruled to be invalid and the BJP won. A petition against the returning officer for his actions during the elections was being heard by a court chaired by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud. After hearing the case today, the highest court ordered that the polling paper used, which is presently in the Registrar General's possession, be brought before the court tomorrow. The nomination of a new returning officer who is independent of any political party was also mandated by the court. Masih was also harshly criticised by the CJI for his behaviour and warned that he could face legal action. "What made you scoff at the voting papers? Only yo

Supreme Court's verdict in the Electoral Bonds Scheme case

SC strikes down electoral bonds scheme as ‘unconstitutional’: What grounds did the verdict rely upon?


 UNIFORM CIVIL CODE IN INDIAN SCENARIO  UNIFORM CIVIL CODE IN INDIAN SCENARIO How full proof will be the uniform civil code? Will there be more abuse and less obedience of uniform civil code? Will uniform civil code have negative effect on the society? Such questions are bound to be raised after the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code. All laws are formulated to be obeyed, but they are abused. This does not mean that law should not be enacted. Similarly, there is a grea t possibility of the uniform civil code being abused, but this should not eschew the Parliament from enacting the Uniform Civil code; the social welfare and benefits resulting from the implementation of uniform civil code are far greater. While explaining the reason for including Article 44 in the Directives Principles, it was observed that “When you want to consolidate a community, you have to take into consideration the benefits which may accrue to the whole community and not to the customs of a part